P R E S S   R E A L E A S E 

Burlington, MA, Monday, July 27, 2020
The Burlington Breakfast Rotary Club introduces “The Technology Assistance Initiative” a novel community service project. 

“The Technology Assistance Initiative” - BBRC introduces a novel community service project. 

During this pandemic, we are all endeavoring to connect with other human beings via technology in place of traditional, person to person meetings and get togethers.    
Burlington Breakfast Rotary Club President Rita Shah explained  the Technology Assistance Initiative is a collaborative effort between Breakfast Rotary, the Burlington Council on Aging and a number of high school student volunteers for the purpose of providing  technical assistance to seniors with their laptop, desktop, Ipad, cell phones or other electronic devices.  
She went on to say that seniors can reduce loneliness and experience better mental and physical health through communication and the use of technology.  Studies have found that seniors who connect with the outside world through technology have lower levels of depression.
To be a recipient of this Initiative, please reach out to Marge McDonald at the Burlington Council on Aging for the intake process. She will refer seniors to Burlington Breakfast Rotary Club volunteers, who in turn will make appointments with interested seniors to provide the needed assistance.
Contact Council of Aging's Marge McDonald at 781-270-1953 or Breakfast Rotary Club's President Rita Shah at 339-234-0738 for more information.
Burlington Breakfast Rotary Club
Contact: Rita Shah
(339) 234-0738 (cell)
P.S.: PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE RELEVANT FORM (Volunteer form or Assistance Request form) FROM THE MENU ON THE LEFT, FILL AND SUBMIT VIA EMAIL TO rita.saheli@gmail.com OR poojagsingla@outlook.com